Trickster online quest guide
Trickster online quest guide

trickster online quest guide

trickster online quest guide

Their primary purpose aside from making you look like a JRPG overlord is to reduce the amount of weight your inventory has, but they’re exclusively MyShop items anyway. It’s just over the top in a good way, alright?Īh yes while we’re still at it – wings in this game are special equipment items that go on your back. I just love how Trickster Online can let you get away with SWORD WINGS. I am not even one tenth capable of tackling this place right now, so lemme just steer Star Heart away from this place before she gets herself in trouble. This, my friends, is the Tower of Chaos – the ultimate dungeon in the game! Why did they put it in Caballa Relics? Beats me, but at least it's not in an obnoxious place. They’re Story Quest NPCs, but I’ve got quite a bit to tackle when we get to Azteca. When you kill one they just fall apart, so that explains where their drop items come from.ĭespite the fact both the Mermaid Babe and the Old Artist are here, they’re not relevant to us right now. They're not too dangerous or sturdy, despite what their "resistance" slot says, which is good because there's a hunting mission revolving around them. That official art was cuter than I expected, so at least I know why they're Charm-type. They are only hostile if attacked, implying that their creators only made them as a self-defense mechanism." Gear Entry: "An ancient sentinel made of stone armed with cannons. * Stone Soldier Helmet (Common / Quest Item) * Gold Plated Wheel (Uncommon / Quest Item) Mirabo wants to impress everyone too, so she asks us to get Stone Soldier Helmets in her place (because she’s a weenie.)


This is the twin sister of the famous reporter lady from Paradise and she says that everyone at the TV Station loved the pineapple masks we gave them. This chapter's starting off strong if we're having to deal with Monkey T and his shenanigans. This forces Monkey T to backpedal and offer a pretty woman-shaped necklace as a reward if we get him five 50 Galder Coupons. He tries to play highway robbery by asking for fifteen thousand 500 galder coupons (7,500,000 IN CASH, let alone how much that would weigh) but our heroine doesn’t even take it. He tries to guilt trip you with his sob story about getting abused by Master Mong, a sick mother and siblings to take care of. (I dunno, man, Trickster’s wacky with its NPCs sometimes.) should probably stress that the Fortune Teller she’s talking about is not the one standing right here, but instead a different version in the town ahead. Also, ooh! Red notifications are my favorite kind.

trickster online quest guide

Star Heart does not want to touch that stuff with a ten foot pole and the game thinks so too.

trickster online quest guide

(As you’ll see later on in this chapter…) Stat-boosting stones are valuable by themselves, but the WT ones are extremely precious due to how much weight cripples you. Holy muk! Don’t surprise me like that, game. The Wise Hen wants us to give her some Millet Caviar – this and the corn both come from the Leaf Birds before, so I guess it’s time to smash some freaky beak-teeth. Notice’s announcement is that you can recycle it or give it to Pia to recharge it, but I don’t think I’ll do either. There goes our increased mobility – it was nice while it lasted. The poor sod has no idea what’s coming to him, but we help him feel useful regardless.Īh, crap. Sad to say that she's not quite done dealing with 'em yet.įavian here is head-over-heels for Vinosh, so he wants us to get him some… boiled corn. Last time on Trickster Online, we left Star Heart sitting around an elephant statue because she wanted to wind down from all the crazy people.

Trickster online quest guide